Long-term, tectono-depositional evolution of river systems and their drainage networks through geological time
Adrian Hartley, Mike Blum
The session will be focused around contributions that depict the coupled tectonic and depositional evolution of drainage networks and fluvial basins over geologically significant time spans and/or large (up to pan-continental) scales. We seek submissions that integrate basin analysis, detrital-provenance analysis, and tectono-stratigraphy in ancient basins, but also morpho-stratigraphy, neotectonics, and palaeo-climatology on modern basin systems experiencing active landscape seismogenesis and fluvial deposition. Particular attention will be given to contributions that inform the geoscience community about the responses of fluvial networks to large-scale geodynamic events such as plate convergence and post-collisional unroofing of orogenic edifices.