Abstract submission
Abstract submission is open, and it will close on the 8th of March 2023.
A participant may submit no more than two abstracts (one for oral and one for poster presentation, or two poster presentations) as corresponding author. Abstract must be submitted in English. Abstract title at maximum 250 characters. Abstract main text at maximum 250 words.
To submit your abstracts you need to create your account, that will allow you to upload and modify all your abstract till they will be definitively submitted. The final decision on acceptance or rejection will be announced following the schedule in the congress homepage (https://www.icfs2023.it/). The oral presentation can be moved to poster in the selected session will reach its full capacity.
Oral presentations will last 15 minutes each, including 3 minutes for discussion.
Poster presentation. Poster will be exposed during the whole duration of the meeting. Poster should fit a vertical A0 format (84 x 119 cm).