Leaders: Luca Colombera (University of Pavia, Italy), Giorgio Basilici (University of Campinas, Brazil), Marcus V. T. Soares (University of Campinas, Brazil).
Description: Participants to this fieldtrip will have the chance to see a range of Paleogene alluvial successions from the Tremp-Graus Basin (Spanish Pyrenees) and to examine depositional architectures and palaeosols that accumulated in a setting and at times of important tectonic activity and eustatic and climatic changes. We will visit classic outcrop localities that demonstrate a breadth of architectural styles, facies arrangements and pedogenic characteristics, which can be tied to the tectonic, climatic and sea-level histories of the basin. We aim to keep the fieldtrip interactive, and we will encourage discussion on the outcrops. Depending on the specific interests of the attendees, part of the content of the fieldtrip can be steered towards the use of these outcrops as analogues to subsurface successions.
Logistics/recommendations: We will meet in Barcelona, and participants will have to book by themselves their flights to Riva del Garda. All travel, to and from Tremp and around field localities will be by minibus. The weather is going to be hot and likely dry, although precipitation cannot be ruled out: bringing sunscreen, a wide hat and a rainproof jacket is recommended. Some hiking to field localities and on slopes is involved, and therefore we urge participants to wear ankle-supporting boots.
The price includes:
Coach for the entire trip
Accommodation with half board in a shared room | 28.06.23-01.07.23
3x packed lunch
The price does not include:
Flight tickets
Cancellation insurance
Dates: 28th of June – 1st of July
Participants (min., max.): 15 min - 20 max
Cost: 450€