Leaders: Massimiliano Ghinassi (University of Padova, Italy), Andrea D’Alpaos (University of Padova, Italy), Alvise Finotello (University of Venice, Italy), Davide Tognin (University of Padova, Italy)
Description: The most naturally preserved areas of the northern Venice Lagoon (Italy) will be explored during this trip. Active and abandoned, meandering tidal channels will be observed, aiming at discussing their origin, and morphodynamic evolution. Surface morphologies, distribution of halophytic vegetation and variability of sediment grain size will be observed in saltmarshes and tidal flats. Sediment-peels of cores, previously recovered from these different depositional sub-environments, will be also shown during the trip. This field trip is an exclusive opportunity to observe accumulation of salt-marsh and tidal-channel deposits in microtidal environments affected by variable rates of subsidence and sediment supply and changing hydrodynamic forcings.
Logistics/recommendations: The weather is going to be hot and likely dry, but precipitation cannot be ruled out. We suggest bringing sunscreen, a wide hat and a rainproof jacket. During the trip we will boat from a stop to another, and no cars or buses will be used. Transfers can take up to 1 hour. During different stops, short walks on salt marshes are scheduled and rubber boots are compulsory to cross over some muddy areas. The trip will start from and will end up in Riva del Garda.
The price includes:
Transfer Riva del Garda-Agriturismo-Riva del Garda
Accommodation with half board in a shared room | 08.07.23-10.07.23
Boat trip
2x packed lunch
The price does not include:
Cancellation insurance
Dates: 8th – 10th of July
Participants (min., max.): 10 min - 15 max
Cost: 600€